The Piggies are honored to be playing with The Hideaways. It's reasonable for you to ask, "Who are The Hideaways?," as they almost never play in the city (in fact, they rarely play on their stomping grounds on Long Island) and have very little web presence. So let us tell you: The Hideaways are the greatest bar band in the land, as anyone who attended either of the last two Christmas parties at the Great Jones Cafe can attest. They played for three hours without a break, leaving everyone's jaws on the beer-soaked floor. Their set list includes some of your favorites: "21 Days in Jail," "Hot Tamale Baby," "One Mint Julep," and warhorses like "Shakin' All Over" and "Money" ... We can't stress enough how great these guys are, and what a rare treat it is to get to see them, in NYC, or anywhere for that matter. The Piggies will warm the place up. The show starts after the fireworks (back on the East River this year!) are over and people have had time to stagger over to Hank's. Likely around 10PM.
Friday, July 4th at Hank's Saloon
46 Third Avenue (at Atlantic), Brooklyn, U.S.A.
Doors at 9PM. No cover. 21+ with ID.'